• Energise, Improve & Develop your Sacral Chakra

    Receive a 1-month remote Light Transmission focused on your Root Chakra Once you have registered, ‘The Ray of Fulfilment’ will flow into your aura for 28 days. You will also receive instructions on how to obtain the free essence vibration transmission. Register here:
  • Manifest your unique identity

    Receive a 1-month remote Light Transmission focused on your Solar Plexus Chakra Starting Wednesday the 15th of November, ‘The Ray of Determination’ will flow into your aura for 28 days. You will also receive instructions on how to obtain the free essence vibration transmission. Register here:
  • Twin Flame Chakra Program

    15th May - 10th July Remote 2-Months Light Transmission Plus the Gift of 2 Essence Vibrations (value £44) This exclusive Twin Flame Chakra Program helps to strengthen your foundation. The stronger your support from the Earth, the easier you can stand in trust, your truth, your strength, your light to fulfil your life mission. In particular, this Twin Flame Chakra Program:
    1. Clears and strengthens your Root Chakra (your energy centre for feeling safe, present, secure and grounded)
    2. Clears and strengthens your Sacral Chakra (your energy centre for creativity, pleasure and playfulness)
    3. Harmonises both your Root Chakra and your Sacral Chakra to offer you a more solid foundation than you’ve ever had
    4. Offers you an empowering bedrock within
    5. Aligns you deeply with the creative, courageous and confident energies of the Wood Dragon Year
    The Twin Flame Lights (The Emerald Heart Light and The Mary Magdalene Light; the Lights that illuminated Jesus and Mary Magdalene) offer you a highly supportive Twin Flame Chakra Program of two months, from the 15th of May until the 10th of July.
    • You can receive this transmission wherever you are in the world
    • You will receive according to YOUR local time
    • You don’t have to sit still or do anything special
    • The masculine and feminine Twin Flames will be with you for two months (twice a moon cycle of 28 days)
  • Easy to follow Light Program by email, from 1-22 December 2023

    From the 1st to the 22nd of December, each morning you receive an email that delivers ‘The Ray of The Day’, one of the 22 Divine Feminine Qualities of The Mary Magdalene Light. As soon as you open the email, your heart will receive a boost of uplifting and healing Light. The 22 RAYS works a bit like an advent calendar. Over three weeks, we build up to the peak: the 24-hour Mary Magdalene Light Transmission on the 22nd of December (value: £22). You will also receive a transmission of the ‘Mary’s Light’ essence vibration (value £26.45). There is also an optional community call on the 22nd of December to meet other people participating in The 22 RAYS.
  • Alignment with the New Year

    Remote 7-Days Light Transmission In this Healing Week, from Monday the 15th through Sunday the 21st of January, the exquisite Lights that inspired Yeshua and Mary Magdalene will blend together, helping you to remain or become centred in the chaos of the world. The ‘Twin Flame Light’ will guide you to align with the energies of the New Year.
    • You can receive this transmission wherever you are in the world
    • You will receive according to YOUR local time
    • You don’t have to sit still or do anything special
    • The masculine and feminine Twin Flame Lights will be with you for the full 7 days.
  • Remaining Centred in the Chaos of the World

    Remote 7-Days Light Transmission In this Healing Week, from Sunday the 5th through Saturday the 11th of November, the exquisite Lights that inspired Yeshua and Mary Magdalene will blend together, helping you to remain or become centred in the chaos of the world.   The ‘Twin Flame Light’ will guide you to centredness as if in the eye of a hurricane.
    • You can receive this transmission wherever you are in the world
    • You will receive according to YOUR local time
    • You don’t have to sit still or do anything special
    • The Light will be with you for the full 7 days.
  • Allow yourself to be guided and supported

    Remote 7-Days Light Transmission 5th – 11th September 2023

    We invite you for this Twin Flame Healing Week that brings gives a special touch to your daily routine.

    • Takes the pressure off daily struggles
    • Helps you to feel supported
    • Brings mental clarity and emotional stability
    • Helps to gain insights into patterns, purpose and direction
    • Directs you towards inner balance and inner peace
    Please let us know your current location so we know where to send the Light:
  • Cleanse, Heal and Revitalise your Heart Chakra

    Remote 7-Days Light Transmission We invite you for this brand-new Twin Flame Program that brings Light into your heart for a whole week of very specific healing and transformation. Here are some of the benefits of our Twin Flame Healing Week for Cleansing, Healing and Revitalising the Heart Chakra:
    • A gentle cleansing at the deepest level of the heart chakra
    • Takes the pressure of work from the aura
    • Allows the aura and heart chakra to rest
    • Offers a very deep healing to the heart chakra
    • Helps your heart to feel supported
    • Renews your inner strength and the heart’s vigour for life
  • Connect deeply with your Feminine Qualities and The Womb of Creation

    Receive a 1-month remote Light Transmission focused on your holy Womb Chakra Once you have registered, ‘The Ray of Femininity’ will flow into your aura for 28 days. You will also receive instructions on how to obtain the free essence vibration transmission. Register here:
  • You can receive a Personal Connection to the Light through David’s heart. This can illuminate your life in many ways. Find out more
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