THE SHAMAN’S JOURNEY – A Guided Meditation CD


David Ashworth has released a new Guided Meditation CD accompanied by the music of classical musician James Rippingale.

The focus of this meditation, called The Shaman’s Journey helps the listener to ground deeply into the earth. Grounding is the most essential element for the spiritual seeker to develop. As the music unfolds David’s voice takes you on a wonderful journey into the Earth. Each time you listen and journey with The Shaman, your grounding will deepen. The journey is guided from the Nature Spirit consciousness through the speaker – The Shaman – which is David’s voice accompanied by the wonderful, sylph-like veils of James’ music.



David Ashworth has released a new Guided Meditation CD accompanied by the music of classical musician James Rippingale.

The focus of this meditation, called The Shaman’s Journey helps the listener to ground deeply into the earth. Grounding is the most essential element for the spiritual seeker to develop. As the music unfolds David’s voice takes you on a wonderful journey into the Earth. Each time you listen and journey with The Shaman, your grounding will deepen. The journey is guided from the Nature Spirit consciousness through the speaker – The Shaman – which is David’s voice accompanied by the wonderful, sylph-like veils of James’ music.

David Ashworth

David Ashworth is a highly accomplished spiritual teacher and author based in the United Kingdom but working world-wide. He is the origin of The Emerald Heart Light and his work is focused on opening people’s hearts through Darshan.

Darshan is a direct transmission of light from the source via David’s purified heart into the heart of the seeker. As well as travelling throughout Europe giving Darshan, David also continues with private consultations for those seeking spiritual answers to their lives.

NEWS: Since his original awakening some 25 years ago, David has passed through many inner transformations bringing him to the point of receiving The Emerald Heart Light in 2005. For ten years the light opened and purified his heart to the point of now (2016) being able to give Darshan – a Divine Blessing – usually associated with the eastern Gurus and transmitted from heart to heart. You can read more in David’s website at:

James Rippingale

James Rippingale is a Classical Guitarist and composer based in Glastonbury, Somerset. He enjoys a busy schedule teaching and performing across the UK and abroad. James’ concerts are known for their eclectic programming, variety of styles and his own unique compositions. He is a keen backpacker often traveling to Andalucia, Spain to explore the southern provinces in search of inspiration and guidance from the world’s finest players.

James’ has had an interest in Spirituality since his early teens leading him to explore a multitude of  healing modalities and philosophies including the work of David Ashworth and the Emerald Heart where he has used David’s Essences for his own personal evolution and growth. These meditation projects have provided him with a wonderful opportunity to combine his twin passions of music and spiritual exploration on a new path of growth and creativity.

Simon Fox

The recording is a collaboration between David, James and producer and sound healing technology developer Simon Fox. Simon became involved at the final stages of mixing and mastering the CD. His process allows the direct transmission of light to the listener, via channeled embedded sound carriers which on playback resonate in the space, supporting the meditation as it unfolds. With this THE SHAMAN’S JOURNEY becomes a truly powerful tool with which to connect deeply with the core of David’s message.

The Project

James and David first met at the Buxton Healing Festival in 2012.

James says: “I had been using David’s high vibrational essences for some time and had read his book The Keys of Transformation. I felt very drawn to this powerful light and was inspired by Dave’s words. I attended his workshop on the subject of Grounding and when we met afterwards I felt inspired to record him.”

James and David came together in James’ studio in July 2012. Once James had set the recording protocols, a wonderful day unfolded where 2 meditations and many teachings were guided into being. James says “The energy in the room was quite unlike anything I had experienced before as I sat watching Dave channel the meditations spontaneously into the microphone. It felt guided and powerful. Several weeks later I was improvising at the keyboard and the music of the meditation came to me all in one go. All the raw material in one evening! The funny thing is it has taken 4 years to shape and complete it! As I work I feel the light carried in the sound changing me, healing me in some way, the whole process has been quite amazing.” With the addition of the embodied sound carriers applied by Simon Fox I feel we have created a powerful product and truly wonderful experience for the listener.”