FUN TIME – See the Interactive World Globe for the Healing Locations that we received.

Today’s sharing is primarily for those who could not join us for the world-wide Earth Healing Event a few weeks ago on the Full Moon Equinox. We thought you might like to see the results.

We have three links for you. The first is a link to the Interactive Globe of the world showing many of the Healing Locations world-wide. The globe is great fun to play with, so have a go with your mouse. This link takes you to my Circle of Light website.

The second link is to a feedback page where some of the participants share their experiences of the Light and the healing process. This is also in my Circle of Light website.

The third link is a PDF page, which lists the locations that were submitted.

Our next Earth Healing Event will be at the Summer Solstice in June.

With Love and Blessings,


Interactive Globe
Feedback Page
Locations PDF Download