NEWS  this week

Monday 3rd April

SUNDAY DARSHAN DRAW – 27th March 2017

WINNER of the Shaman’s Journey CD

Last week, the winner of the Meditation CD was Ann from Yorkshire.  Here is some recent feedback about the CD below the image.

“I feel compelled to let you know how much I am enjoying your new CD. It is a great piece of work. The first time I heard it, I was having a massage. I loved it at that first hearing, although I admit to being so relaxed I nodded off. My subconscious was taking it in though I am sure.

I have just listened to it again and it is even more beautiful the second time. I love the guided meditation by David and the music is so soothing and restorative. The rhythmic 3 beat soft drum is hypnotic. I was able to easily connect with Mother Earth and felt a great sense of healing Chi and warmth spreading through my whole body. I then felt totally weightless and I had an amazing sense of safety. Wow. This is truly a seminal piece of work. I have already given a copy to
my sister-in-law who will love it too.”

Sylvia, Derbyshire

SUNDAY DARSHAN DRAW – 2nd April 2017

WINNER of The Emerald Heart Pendant

This week’s winner of the Emerald Heart Pendant was Chloe from Melbourne, Australia.  Nice to see the light within this pendant going all the way around the world.

SPECIAL OFFER –  Saving over £35.00

Just a note to let you know that the Special Offer to purchase one of these pendants is still upon until Monday 10th April 2017

Emerald Heart Pendant

£58.95 including Postage
(Normal Retail Price is £95.00. – Offer valid until Saturday 8th April!)

Click to buy the Emerald Pendant now

The Pendants are charged with Emerald Heart Light and you can put them out for recharging at the Free Light Transmission on the Equinoxes and Solstices.

Upcoming DARSHAN in London and Exeter

We are now in the process of organising some Live Darshan Events. Please keep your eye on the Events page of the website for updates.

EXETER – Organised by Jack Childs will be Saturday May 20th.

LONDON – Organised by Tim Dyson – Not yet confirmed.

Just a note to those who may be able to help. We always struggle to find venues in the London area. If anyone knows where we can hold a Darshan in the London area, would you please let either myself of Tim know. Thank you.


Finally for today, here is some recent feedback from the Sunday Evening Distant Darshan.

“Hi David,

Thank you so much for the Darshan last night, it was a very relaxing experience and I felt as though I was floating on air.  Today I feel so full of light and at peace and am walking around with a big smile on my face!

Love and Light

Elva “


“Hi David,

This was my experience of Sunday’s Darshan. (26th Feb.)

The energy was very strong coupled by nurturing energy. Felt the energy of Source blending

with Mother Earth and felt supported by this. As I looked into your eyes I saw many faces come 

through you. Ancient faces and guides coming through from different directions of time and space. I also felt this was related to myself. Different parts of my character that I was to observe, look at then release, allowing change to take place. Also, I saw later, how the Law of reflection plays out. Through looking at others as a mirror. We see ourselves. This has played out during the week and has certainly been a revelation. Many positive aspects have come up that have pushed me forward. Other less than positive aspects have had a positive side too. 

When looked at closely. You can see where all these threads come together and hold you in the flow. Or keep you locked in.

I found it both challenging and refreshing. Bit like a breath of Spring. Beautiful. Thank you so much.

Love & Blessings,



DISTANT DARSHAN every Sunday Evening.

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