Healing the Healer


Life, as we know, can be busy. So busy in fact that we sometimes don’t see what we need to nurture ourselves. This past week or so, my energy has been very low, at certain times to the point where I was completely exhausted and right on the edge of collapse. No brain energy and hardly enough energy to breathe at times. There have been some close friends and colleagues going through very difficult times too, from inner transformation to serious physical issues and I try to be there for many, many people. Sometimes it takes a little toll on my energy, but at the same time, I find that I am going through a deep transformation of my own too. Figuring out how much energy is needed to support friends and colleagues and how much [...]

Healing the Healer2018-12-04T11:25:40+00:00

Some recent sharing


Welcome! A couple of weeks ago, I promised you some recent feedback from our special Darshan offer. However, the Universe conspired against that twice as it wouldn't allow the text to format in Mailchimp, the mailing system that we use. Last week, it even stripped out the total teaching that I wrote for you and so eventually you received a little insight into what the Universe was doing rather than anything else. So much for planetary interference. This week I am going to try for a third time to share with you some recent Darshan Feedback. Here we go. Hi Dave, I recently had to go into hospital.  Then I had a holiday.  My landlady went away for 4 weeks, so I had to put Ollie, my cat into a cattery. When I collected Ollie, he was [...]

Some recent sharing2018-12-04T11:25:40+00:00
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