Where does the Light come from?


Thank You! Firstly, thank you to all those who really enjoyed the teaching last week. It was a great pleasure bringing it into the world and I hope that it fed you well. How Does Light Get into the World? Well, what am I talking about? Light comes with every rising sun, but that is not the Light that I mean. Spiritual Light enters the world through one source, but firstly, where does it come from? There is Light and there is Energy and they are both very different. Light illuminates and Energy is a driving force. Imagine the power it takes to open a rose? It can’t open by itself it needs to be fed energy. It is energy that drives the rose into the world. Once the rose is fully formed, it gives off [...]

Where does the Light come from?2019-04-28T12:00:41+01:00

Easter Sunday Distant Darshan


The Black Hole I recall when I was young my fascination of whether there were such things as Black Holes in space. The first black hole was only discovered in 1971 but Albert Einstein predicted them in his general theory of relativity in 1916. I have always been fascinated with space and what is out there, and also the oceans and what is down there. We actually know more about space than we do about the deep oceans and yet they are on our doorstep. But both places are alien to the support of humans without artificial means of breathing equipment yet all life on this planet originated from within the briny oceans. We are in fact post sub-aquatic bipeds. Isn’t life amazingly wonderful? I have spent many happy hours studying the brilliant photographs of outer [...]

Easter Sunday Distant Darshan2019-04-22T07:30:46+01:00

Earth Healing Celebration


FUN TIME - See the Interactive World Globe for the Healing Locations that we received. Today's sharing is primarily for those who could not join us for the world-wide Earth Healing Event a few weeks ago on the Full Moon Equinox. We thought you might like to see the results. We have three links for you. The first is a link to the Interactive Globe of the world showing many of the Healing Locations world-wide. The globe is great fun to play with, so have a go with your mouse. This link takes you to my Circle of Light website. The second link is to a feedback page where some of the participants share their experiences of the Light and the healing process. This is also in my Circle of Light website. The third link is [...]

Earth Healing Celebration2019-04-15T09:03:12+01:00

Part 4 – Energetic Stamina


Dear Darshan Community My apologies that I have not been able to write a teaching in these past weeks due to being fully engaged in the Earth Healing Project that we launched early in March, and which began on the Full Moon Equinox just over a week ago. Shortly, I will share with all of you in the Darshan Community the results of this amazing experience. Part 4, Developing Energetic Stamina To work effectively with healing energy you need to develop what is called Energetic Stamina. To work with Light, you need to develop the capacity of the heart in a number of ways. As we first begin to work with any form of energy such as crystals, essences, Reiki or any other healing modality, the aura must attain a level of strength that can channel [...]

Part 4 – Energetic Stamina2019-04-01T08:17:34+01:00
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