David’s NEW BOOK – Golden Rabbit
David Ashworth2019-01-25T18:45:25+00:00Buy on Amazon My New Book GOLDEN RABBIT is launched today. I've hinted at Golden Rabbit a couple of times recently to see if anyone was curious enough in following the clues down the rabbit hole. LOL. Well, some of you did and thank you for that. As with all things that are given through the light of the Universe, the words are transmitters of light, not just words on a page. Those who are ready will receive the light and already there have been some wonderful reviews where people have truly experienced being on this transformational journey with Rahh as he drinks in the light of Golden Rabbit. You can read some reviews in the website: www.Golden-Rabbit.uk. It's not just a story, it is a journey into light and in the writing of it there is no doubt [...]