Part 2 – How the Mind Limits You


Continuing from last week we were discussing how the mind can guide you in the wrong direction for your evolution. There are many reasons for this, so let’s explore some of them. Firstly, at what level of consciousness does your mind function? The answer to this is that it cannot possibly function at a higher vibrational level than the rest of you. Immediately we see to total and complete limitation of the mind in one simple sentence. Everyone’s journey is towards enlightenment and the guiding principle towards this goal is located in your heart, the seed of golden light that we call God. It is so very important to see the God-consciousness as being within yourself. It is most definitely not some being outside of you, yet there is an aspect that is indeed outside of [...]

Part 2 – How the Mind Limits You2019-01-26T13:22:06+00:00

Part 1 – Hearing the God within You


Your spiritual journey begins where it begins and that place is usually with some kind of inner change or insight that tells you to move in a different direction. Even by the end of this first sentence, I can feel an excitement that I will explain to you later. My journey began around the age of 38 years. It came with a lot of dizziness and a pressure inside me that actually blew me up physically. This inflation would last for some hours and then go down again. I came to understand later that I was being filled with Light. Not a pleasant experience in the beginning and particularly as I seemed to be losing all focus when it happened but I got used to it. I am telling you this because perhaps you are only [...]

Part 1 – Hearing the God within You2019-01-30T11:22:56+00:00

The Twilight Zone


It’s that time of year where for me it feels like the Twilight Zone - the space between the winter solstice and the start of the natural yearly cycle and the space between Christmas and the beginning of the calendar New Year. It is that space where a lot of people don’t really seem to know what to do with themselves, but at the same time enjoy the period when they have taken extended holidays. Usually by this time, those who have work to go to are getting ready to enjoy that last great party of New Year’s Eve before launching themselves back into work mode for the coming months. When I was younger and running my typesetting business in Manchester, as the New Year began I would work solidly without a day off until the [...]

The Twilight Zone2019-01-25T18:45:25+00:00

My Story Vlog


Dear Friends, I've not quite got into my rhythm yet after my heart event, but I am much improved this week and almost back to normal, whatever normal is. LOL. I intended to send out this Video Log on Thursday but couldn't get the times to flow so I'll send it today. It is just a little bit about my own story, the beginnings of my journey into light, as it were. Also, thank you for those who ordered items from my list last week. As we are now very close to Christmas, with post being busy at this time of year any further orders may not arrive until after Christmas especially if they are travelling abroad. I'll send out the list of items once more on Monday for you. Thank you once again for all [...]

My Story Vlog2019-01-25T18:45:25+00:00

David’s NEW BOOK – Golden Rabbit


Buy on Amazon My New Book GOLDEN RABBIT is launched today. I've hinted at Golden Rabbit a couple of times recently to see if anyone was curious enough in following the clues down the rabbit hole. LOL. Well, some of you did and thank you for that. As with all things that are given through the light of the Universe, the words are transmitters of light, not just words on a page. Those who are ready will receive the light and already there have been some wonderful reviews where people have truly experienced being on this transformational journey with Rahh as he drinks in the light of Golden Rabbit. You can read some reviews in the website: It's not just a story, it is a journey into light and in the writing of it there is no doubt [...]

David’s NEW BOOK – Golden Rabbit2019-01-25T18:45:25+00:00

My First Vlog


By some miracle I managed to sit in front of a camera to speak to you, by way of a change. I shouldn't be afraid of cameras as I've done quite a bit of TV including live TV, I've been filmed in full-day workshops and I've been a photorapher for over 40 years, but to actually get round to setting up a camera and speaking into it has taken me a long, long time. Quite clearly a bit of self-sabotage in there. I think the real reason is that my thought processes are quite slow and much better suited to writing than speaking and so I've considered for a very long time that I didn't have anything coherent to say in front of a camera. As we know, the Universe sends us a prompt now and [...]

My First Vlog2019-01-25T18:45:25+00:00

The Fragility of Life


Today there has been a tsunami in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Many people taken from their lives here upon our Earth. On Wednesday I was walking in the hills of Shropshire on the most beautiful day that radiated peace in such a profound way that it touched me very deeply. I was speaking with my friend about how we have no idea when we are going to leave this beautiful place, perhaps never to return. We were also commenting how we have no idea what lies ahead for us in life as well as an untimely passing. I commented that ten years ago I could never have imagined living in this location, or walking regularly in these hills or indeed having met this friend who I walk with most weeks, and indeed we do enjoy the most wonderful [...]

The Fragility of Life2018-12-04T11:25:39+00:00

Watching the Film of My Life


Last week I said that we would be having a Special Offer this week. Well, due to a situation beyond my control, namely not being able to plan or read my own diary, it won't be happening until around Tuesday next week. The reason being that I will be abroad for a few days and won't be here to send out the Special Offer.  Very sorry for this error. Consciousness! It's deeper than an ocean, Bigger than the sky, Wider than the heavens, That you see with your eye. With something indefinably vast, how is it possible to ever understand ourselves? If you could view your life from a remote perspective, it would be like watching a film. When you watch a film you see only the light that shines through the celluloid projecting onto a [...]

Watching the Film of My Life2018-12-04T11:25:39+00:00

The Light of the World


It was close on 30 years ago now that everything began to go wrong. I was working 16 hours a day running a small business. Two small businesses, in fact. I had a small typesetting business serving advertising agencies and the print trade and I had also created the first totally organic professional hair product range approved by all the major players such as PETA, the RSPCA, Vegan Society and The Vegetarian Society. The trouble was, the ethical message was too far ahead of its time and hairdressers preferred to stick with the major cosmetic companies rather than take a risk on something new. Yes, they all told me that this was what the industry needed, but right now they were happy to stay where they were. One day I said to myself, "it is impossible [...]

The Light of the World2018-12-04T11:25:40+00:00
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